Eric Anderson

Everything Eric has done up to now, in ways overt and oblique, has contributed to his unique vision and enthusiasm for collaboration. He's a musician, a studio creator, and a recording engineer, with engineering credits on a Grammy-winning Rock Song of the Year.

He's also won Emmy Awards as the Editor/Designer for the title sequence for HBO's Six Feet Under and as the Director/Editor for Showtime's Dexter title sequence.

New York magazine named Eric a "Televisionary," granting his work a coveted spot on their snarky Approval Matrix.

And while he prefers to shoot practically, capturing worlds in-camera, his CD role at various VFX studios has given him the skills to enhance live-action in ways wondrous and pure.

At Greencard, he's expanding the theatrical nature of his work while connecting on a deeper level with his cast, drawing on his breadth of experiences. As a result, the colorful, stylized, and expertly choreographed environments he creates — Composed Tableaus, if you will — almost become characters themselves in the exquisitely human stories he tells.

Fidelity — Futureverse

Fidelity — The Planning Effect, Suzie

Adobe — Echosign

Magic Bullet — Make Magic

Ooma — Blacklist

Visa — Oksana’s Interests

Fidelity — The Planning Effect, Nina

Amazon — CloudCam

Ionos — We All Web

Kohler — VibrAcoustic

Showtime — Dexter Main Titles